Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome - The First Blog Entry


The Information Age while empowering has provided challenges to the contemporary family. Some see the free exchange of information as a dilution of our culture which forces us to redefine aspect of ourselves. I am often amazed at the extent that blatant racism, anti-culturalism, bigotry and proudly displayed ignorance of other people is often looked at as the social norm. While enlighten, free-thinking and questioning individuals are often seen as the oddities of society. I live in the United States of America and I love my country. While I find myself as a deeply patriotic individual I also believe that the answers to many of the world’s problems could be solved if information were to be exchanged freely. I believe this concept of sharing and learning applies evenly across my great nation as it does for the world’s States. This open door is an opportunity to help shape our children’s concepts of their inherited world and strengthen the communities where we live. Our children and our society must be ready to meet these challenges. It is a privilege to raise my children with a broad awareness and appreciation of the human race. Age appropriateness will be my guidance of selecting experiences to develop my children’s own vision of the world and educate it means to hold dear the rights and responsibilities of World Citizenship.

Join me as I share my real life project while providing updates and techniques to further my/your children’s experience of other cultures, ethnic backgrounds, environmentalism, religion and communities that have been marginalized in the United States. Together we can raise future leaders which share our shared compassion and dedication to the human race.

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