Friday, August 15, 2008

One World, One Dream – the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony in Beijing

Did you see it; the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony from Beijing? It was breathtaking. The Chinese have superseded all other modern Opening Ceremonies with the elaborate and interpretive nature of the presentation.

Of course, as a lesson in One World, One Dream I was sure to gather my children (and partner too) around the TV to witness the amazing demonstration of talent. This was a teaching moment for our children that people from all races can gather and celebrate a single cause.

Artistically and culturally the Opening Ceremony was a smashing success. As I write this, it is difficult to find the right mix of superlatives that could capture the overwhelming success and imprint that the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony had on me.

The Olympics have had a historical record of playing a cursory role in world's harmony quest. I cried a tear during the torch lighting segment when the crowd's ecstatic cheer hit a crescendo as the Torch Runner levitated by cable and headed towards the top of the Bird's Nest wall. The Torch Runner artistically galloped in slow motion around the stadium's highest wall towards the Olympic torch. The event attendees were a blaze in joy at the sheer beauty of the sight and something else, the brotherhood of mankind. The games are about achievement excellence and winning but here at this moment is a stadium filled with people from every continent and participating without the filters of their government. And here I shed a tear while watching the Torch Runner and listening to the cheers as I thought, "…we have a chance, all is not hopeless."

Here we are with a diverse crowd of people – cheering for One Dream from One World. Maybe we can make it as a race of humans.

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